Hi, I'm Bart Coppens (he/him, ๐ณ๏ธโ๐), and this is my personal page. I'm a part-time assistant professor of system and software security and a post-doctoral researcher at Ghent University, ELIS, Computer Systems Lab (Faculty of Engineering and Architecture). I also have a research-related page.
I like taking photos whenever I go on holidays. This means I have some photo albums whose content ranges from simple holiday pictures to (at least to my tastes) somewhat aesthetically or artistically pleasing pictures. I like landscape photography in particular. Recent pictures are taken with an EOS 5D Mark III, the rest is taken with my EOS 350D (a few very old ones are scans from back when I used an Asahi Pentax ES II). Most of these are not edited; I tend to keep the editing for those that I actually might want to print.
These are some of my pet projects that are currently available online, and that are large or interesting enough to have a short description. Some other projects can be found in my list of interests, and even more I just never put online.
cabal install Lattices
. Originally written to teach myself a bit more about lattice-based attacks in crypto, but it might also be useful for other areas.diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
is in the list of sshd's KexAlgorithms
, and currently only works decently when run from a REPL.Some of the presentations I've given. Warning: I typically like to have lots of (animated) diagrams without much additional text, and then explain everything verbally using those diagrams. So in isolation the slides might be a bit useless, but they can be useful for others trying to explain the same topics with diagrams.
My personal email address is kde @ bartcoppens.be
My university email address is Bart.Coppens @ UGent.be
My PGP key fingerprint is 1540 BAC4 779C EACB 5212 A959 6516 95B0 5F29 CF10 (also available on keybase.io).
Or, being social, my Mastodon profile.
My LinkedIn profile.